Wednesday, January 28, 2009

iPhoto '09 :: Microsoft Photosynth


Oh god.

I spent hours. hours! HOURS!! tagging photos in iPhoto'09 today.

The facial recognition is pretty good, except for some reason it refused to recognize my little buddy Yuka's face. She has like the most distinctive look ever. However, it has NO TROUBLE differentiating between the twins in Iowa (identical). Weird.

If that wasn't enough, there's geotagging to be done. Now I want an 'auto-geotagger' add-on for my camera, even though the only purpose would be to feed my lust for properly organized and tagged information, in this case photos.

Segue! With all the tagging, especially auto-tagging via AI systems like image recognition, images may finally get attention from webcrawlers. What I mean is, true image searching, based on the image itself, not just the text associated with it. What does this mean? Searching for your face will turn up A LOT more photos. Ever wondered how many strangers' photos you're in the background of? This technology will help you find out.

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