Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Curry! :: 妹はチョウ馬鹿

Curry! DSC_0021


Woke up at noon. In less than an hour I was in a car bound for Moto-i, a new Japanese restaurant in uptown. It's not sushi though; it's modeled after 居酒屋, so my breakfast basically consisted of appetizers meant to be eaten while drinking. All in all, it was fucking tasty and you should go there. Just like you should go to Kinhdo... Yes, I love eating. Yes, I am a chronic overeater; I'm insatiable. Yes, I know I am skinny. Yes, I know my metabolism will betray me in less than ten years and I'll probably gain 50+ lbs in a depressingly short period of time and no one will recognize me anymore and I'll cry.

PS: They have their own sake brewery, which scores them a thousand points.


Made curry (photo). Since I promised Asahi and Kimi I'd share the recipe, I'll post it soon.
Talked with Giang about photography & life.
Picked mom up from her friend's house cuz she was drunk.

Late Night


PS: The time stamps on most of my posts are totally fucked cuz I usually post a day late on each post, so until I find a way to remove the time stamps, I'm setting the time to 10:00. Ignore it.

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